Scripture Verse

I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. John 8:12


Uzziah C. Burnap (1834–1900)

Words: Hen­ry Bate­man, 1869.

Music: Coch­ran Uz­zi­ah C. Bur­nap (1834–1900) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Bate­man (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Light of the world! Whose kind and gen­tle care
Is joy and rest;
Whose coun­sels and com­mands so gra­cious are,
Wisest and best;
Shine on my path, dear Lord, and guard the way,
Lest my poor heart, for­get­ting, go as­tray.

Lord of my life! my soul’s most pure de­sire,
Its hope and peace;
Let not the faith Thy lov­ing words in­spire
Falter, or cease;
But be to me, true friend, my chief de­light,
And safe­ly guide, that ev­ery step be right.

My bless­èd Lord! what bliss to feel Thee near,
Faithful and true;
To trust in Thee, with­out one doubt or fear,
Thy will to do.
And all the while to know that Thou, our friend,
Art bless­ing us, and wilt bless to the end.

And then, O then! when sor­row’s night is o’er,
Life’s day­light come,
And we are safe with­in Heav’n’s gold­en door,
At home! at home!
How full of glad re­joic­ing will we raise,
Savior, to Thee our ev­er­last­ing praise.