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Scripture Verse

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven. Matthew 6:10


Words: Pe­ter P. Bil­horn, Hymns of the Se­cond Com­ing of Our Lord Je­sus Christ (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Bil­horn Bro­thers, 1911), page 192, alt.

Music: Ra­wal­pin­di Pe­ter P. Bil­horn, 1911 (🔊 ).

Peter P. Bilhorn (1865–1936)



The Mas­ter is com­ing! He’s com­ing again!
He’s com­ing to free us from sor­row and pain!
And all who in Him are asleep in the grave
Shall wake at His voice, for He’s migh­ty to save.

The saints who are liv­ing, and those who arise,
Shall mount up to­ge­ther to Him in the skies;
Their bo­dies shall then in­cor­rup­ti­ble be,
And fa­shioned like Him, and His glo­ry shall see.

So, see­ing we know that our Lord shall ap­pear,
To set up His king­dom of right­eous­ness here,
We watch for the dawn of that glo­ri­ous day,
And pray as He taught the dis­ci­ples to pray:

Our Fa­ther in Heav­en, may Thy king­dom come:
Thy will up­on earth, as in Heav­en be done;
For Thine shall the pow­er and glo­ry be then,
And Thine the do­min­ion for ev­er. Amen.