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Scripture Verse

Mary took a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus. John 12:3


Words: Ed­win P. Par­ker, 1888. Par­ker wrote this hymn to close a ser­mon. It was first pub­lished in The Chris­tian Hym­nal, 1889, and ap­peared in The Pil­grim Hym­nal in 1904.

Music: Love’s Of­fer­ing Ed­win Par­ker, 1888 (🔊 ).

Edwin P. Parker (1836–1920)


Master, no of­fer­ing
Costly and sweet,
May we, like Mag­da­lene, lay at Thy feet;
Yet may love’s in­cense rise,
Sweeter than sac­ri­fice,
Dear Lord to Thee, dear Lord to Thee.

Daily our lives would show
Weakness made strong,
Toilsome and gloomy ways
Brightened by song;
Some deeds of kind­ness done,
Some souls by pa­tience won,
Dear Lord to Thee, dear Lord to Thee.

Some word of hope
For hearts bur­dened with fears,
Some balm of peace for eyes
Blinded with tears,
Some dews of mer­cy shed,
Some way­ward foot­steps led,
Dear Lord to Thee, dear Lord to Thee.

Thus, in Thy ser­vice, Lord,
Till ev­en­tide
Closes the day of life may we abide;
And when earth’s la­bors cease,
Bid us de­part in peace,
Dear Lord to Thee, dear Lord to Thee.