Go work today in my vineyard.
Matthew 21:28
Words: Lydia O. Baxter, 1871.
Music: Stanford Hubert P. Main, 1871 (🔊
Go work in My vineyard,
the Master says, Go!
The fruitage is glinting with rich, ruddy glow;
The sun of the morning is now in the west,
The day’s early gleaners are fainting for rest;
With holy compassion, and hearts all aglow,
Go work in My vineyard,
the Master says, Go!
Oh, heed now the calling; up, while it is day;
Perhaps, in life’s dawning, thy strength may decay;
Then give unto Jesus the dew of thy youth,
And seek thro’ His mercy, the sunlight of truth;
With holy compassion, and hearts all aglow,
Go work in My vineyard,
the Master says, Go!
Oh, haste to the vineyard; the Master’s own voice
Has called you to duty; He’ll bid you rejoice,
When, safe in His kingdom, on Heaven’s bright shore,
The fruitage is gathered, and labor is o’er;
With holy compassion, and hearts all aglow,
Oh, haste to the vineyard,
the Master says, Go!
Forever in glory the faithful shall sing,
Our day’s work was given to Jesus our king;
And thro’ the rich fullness of faith in His love,
The vintage is gathered, and garnered above;
We entered the vineyard with hearts all aglow,
And toiled for our master when Jesus said, Go!