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Scripture Verse

There came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, Where is He that is born king of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship Him. Matthew 2:1


Words: Miss F. Co­zens, in Car­ols for Use in Church, Com­plete Edi­tion, by Ri­chard R. Chope (Lon­don: Will­iam Clowes & Sons, 1894), num­ber 115.

Music: Magi Her­bert S. Ir­ons, 1894 (🔊 ).

If you know Co­zens’ full name, or where to get a good pho­to of her or Ir­ons (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


The Ma­gi came from lands afar,
Led by the guid­ance of a star,
They jour­neyed on to Beth­le­hem,
To seek the Sav­ior, born for them.

And there in hum­ble cot­tage-home,
Unto the heav­en­ly Child they come;
And low be­fore Him bend the knee
In love and deep hu­mil­ity.

Nor do they come with emp­ty hands—
They bring the trea­sure of their lands;
Their cost­li­est gifts they of­fer thence
Of gold and myrrh and frank­in­cense.

They sought the Light, in dark­ness drear,
And lo, the morn broke full and clear;
The ve­ry Light of Light they see,
Though hid­den in ob­scur­ity.

Jesus, our guid­ing star, be nigh
Throughout our life, and when we die,
To lead us safe­ly in the way
Which ends at last in per­fect day!

Visit of the Wise Men
Heinrich Hofmann (1824–1911)