Behold, I stand at the door, and knock.
Revelation 3:20
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Young People’s Songs of Praise, by Ira D. Sankey (Chicago, Illinois: Biglow & Main, 1902), number 81.
Music: Cádiz Victor H. Benke, 1902 (🔊
Make room, make room for Jesus,
Whose birth the angels sang,
When Heav’n and earth together
With hallelujahs rang.
Throw open wide the portals
Of every doubting heart,
That Jesus now may enter
And never more depart.
Make room, make room for Jesus,
Our Savior, Lord and king,
Who left His Father’s glory,
The gift of life to bring.
Make room, make room for Jesus,
Our great exalted head,
Who left His Father’s glory,
And suffered in our stead.
Lo, at the door He standeth,
The night dew on His brow;
O, do not keep Him waiting,
But let Him enter now.