Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop, but a good word maketh it glad.
Proverbs 12:25
Words & Music: Charles M. Fillmore, in Fillmore’s Sunday School Songs No. 1, edited by Palmer Hartsough & James H. Fillmore (Cincinnati, Ohio: Fillmore Brothers, 1898) (🔊
Would you know earth’s highest happiness?
Would you know its greatest blessedness?
Would you know its truest joyfulness
Make some other heart rejoice.
Give a pleasant smile, speak a kindly word,
Lend a hand to help a brother;
Give a pleasant smile, speak a kindly word,
Lend a hand to help another.
Pleasant smiles will cheer a drooping heart,
Kindly words relieve a bitter smart,
Helping hands to weakness strength impart,
Make some other heart rejoice.
Many hearts are crushed with bitter woe,
Many hearts with grief are bending low,
Many hearts need help you can bestow,
Make some other heart rejoice.