Scripture Verse

…as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 2:3


Words: Jo­na­than Dun­gan, 1889.

Music: Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Dungan (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

William J. Kirkpatrick (1838–1921)


In joy­ful bands we’re march­ing on,
True, faith­ful sol­diers let us be;
A bet­ter day be­gins to dawn;
We’re march­ing on to vic­to­ry!


We’re march­ing on, we’re march­ing on,
We’re march­ing on to vic­to­ry;
A bet­ter day be­gins to dawn;
We are march­ing on to vic­to­ry!

Thy king­dom come, O Lord, we pray,
The world from Sa­tan’s bond­age free;
May truth and right soon win the day;
We’re march­ing on to vic­to­ry!


The Gos­pel ban­ner soon shall wave
O’er ev­ery land, on ev­ery sea;
So on­ward press, ye true and brave;
We’re march­ing on to vic­to­ry!


Come, let us join the glad re­frain,
That glo­ri­ous day the world shall see;
Hosanna! swell the joy­ful strain;
We’re march­ing on to vic­to­ry!


And when the day at last is won,
We’ll join the ge­ne­ral ju­bi­lee;
All glo­ry give to God’s dear Son;
We’re march­ing on to vic­to­ry!
