Scripture Verse

Who will go for us? Isaiah 6:8


Words: Emi­ly M. Craw­ford, 1896.

Music: Hull New Ed­mund Ire­land, The Tunes of the Psalms in Two Parts (York, Eng­land: 1699) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Craw­ford or Ire­land (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


The Mas­ter comes! He calls for thee—
Go forth at His al­migh­ty word,
Obedient to His last com­mand,
And tell to those who ne­ver heard,
Who sit in deep­est shades of night,
That Christ has come to give them light.

The Mas­ter calls! Arise and go;
How blest His mes­sen­ger to be!
He, who hath giv­en thee li­ber­ty,
Now bids thee set the cap­tives free;
Proclaim His migh­ty pow­er to save,
Who for the world His life­blood gave.

The Mas­ter calls! Shall not thy heart
In warm re­spons­ive love re­ply,
Lord, here am I; send me, send me,
Thy will­ing slave, to live or die—
An in­stru­ment un­fit in­deed,
Yet Thou wilt give me what I need

And if thou canst not go, yet bring
An of­fer­ing of a will­ing heart;
Then, though thou tar­ri­est at home,
Thy God shall give thee too thy part;
The mes­sen­gers of peace up­bear
In cease­less and pre­vail­ing pray­er.

Short is the time for ser­vice true,
For soon shall dawn that glo­ri­ous day
When, all the har­vest ga­thered in,
Each faith­ful heart shall hear Him say,
My child, well done! your toil is o’er—
Enter My joy for­ev­er­more.