Scripture Verse

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14


Words & Mu­sic: J. H. Les­lie, in Songs of the Gold­en Shore, ed­it­ed by Da­ni­el F. Hodg­es (New York and Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Charles T. Dill­ing­ham and Lee & Shep­ard, 1879), page 98 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Les­lie’s full name, or where to get good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),



Christmas bells are sweet­ly ring­ing,
Joy to the hap­py sons of men!
Children’s voices glad­ly sing­ing
Praise to their God and Sav­ior!


Merry, mer­ry Christ­mas,
Merry, mer­ry Christ­mas,
Joy and plea­sure, with­out mea­sure;
Merry, mer­ry Christ­mas,
Merry, mer­ry Christ­mas,
Hail the hap­py day!

Shepherds heard the won­drous sto­ry,
Watching up­on Ju­dea’s plains,
How the Lord of life and glo­ry
Ransomed the fall­en na­tions.


Peace on earth, good will to mor­tals—
Glory to God,
the an­gels sang;
Christ has op­ened Hea­ven’s por­tals
Glory to God for­ev­er!
