Scripture Verse

He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows. Isaiah 53:3


Anders C. Rutström (1721–1772)

Words: Fred­ri­ka E. Falck (1719–1749) (Min Blo­dige Ko­nung). Trans­lat­ed from Swed­ish to Eng­lish by Claude W. Foss in the Hym­nal for Church­es and Sun­day Schools of the Au­gus­ta­na Sy­nod (Rock Is­land, Il­li­nois: Au­gus­ta­na Book Con­cern, 1899).

Music: Min Blo­dige Ko­nung An­ders C. Rut­ström (1721–1772) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Falck (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Rut­ström or Foss,


My cru­ci­fied Sav­ior,
Despised and con­temned,
Thou in­no­cent Vic­tim
For sin­ners con­demned,
Thy gar­ments are blood-stained,
Thy spir­it doth groan,
In ago­ny pros­trate,
Thou suff’rest alone.

Thou weep­est and moan­est
In con­flict and pray­er,
And writh­est in ago­ny,
Pain and des­pair;
In thir­ty years’ ang­uish
Our path Thou hast trod,
And di­est at last
To re­deem us to God.

Our Sav­ior thus fin­ished
God’s plan with our race,
And laid the foun­da­tion
For par­don and grace.
And then rose tri­um­phant,
The con­quer­ing Lord,
Appeased the Cre­at­or
And man­kind re­stored.

Restored to the bliss
That was lost in the fall,
Yea, great­er, for Je­sus
Prepared for us all
Eternal sal­va­tion
And man­sions above;
Come, poor, bur­dened si­nners,
Rejoice in His love.

Yea, come, trem­bling sin­ner,
Come just as thou art,
Thy cares and thy sor­rows
To Je­sus im­part;
In Him seek sal­va­tion
From death and the grave,
For Je­sus is will­ing
And migh­ty to save.

Gaudenzio Ferrari, 1513