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Scripture Verse

In My Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:2


Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)

Words: An­na M. Spring, The Mea­dow Song (Chu­la Vis­ta, Ca­li­for­nia: Den­rich Press, 1917).

Music: Hert­ford­shire Charles H. Ga­bri­el, 1906, alt. (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Spring (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


I am wait­ing in the mea­dows,
With a riv­er flow­ing by
Flowing deep and strong and migh­ty,
Like God’s love—eter­nal­ly.
For the heal­ing of the na­tions,
There, the tree of life I see;
Ho! ye thirs­ty, come ye wound­ed:
’Tis for thee! ’Tis for thee!

I am wait­ing in the mea­dows,
Where the riv­er qui­et flows,
And the flow­ers, sweet­ly bloom­ing,
Perfume ev­ery breeze that blows.
All life’s bat­tles now are ov­er,
All the sad­ness, all the tears;
I’m vic­tor­ious in Christ Je­sus,
No more fears—no more fears.

I am wait­ing in the mea­dows
Where my guide has stayed my feet,
Till He come again to call me,
Then my joy will be com­plete.
Yes, He’ll call me, Up and fol­low!
There’s a man­sion now for thee.
It is rea­dy! It is rea­dy!
Come with me—come with Me.

I am wait­ing in the mea­dows
Till my Lord Him­self ap­pears,
And the bright­ness of the pre­sent
Veils the past, the fu­ture clears.
For the bright light of His glo­ry
Shines ahead, and so I see
What it is He hath pre­parèd,
Just for me—just for me!

So I tar­ry in the mea­dows,
While the riv­er flows along,
Tarry till I hear Him call­ing,
Till I hear the an­gel’s song,
Singing, Wel­come! wel­come! wel­come!
Here with­in the gates of gold,
Where great joys do now await thee,
Bliss un­told! Bliss un­told!
