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Scripture Verse

God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:4


Words: W. J. Bar­ger, in Rich­es of Grace, by Ed­mund S. Lo­renz et al. (Day­ton, Ohio: Lo­renz, 1897), num­ber 53.

Music: Aps­ley W. J. Bar­ger, 1897 (🔊 ).

If you know Barger’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


O! the gran­deur and the glo­ry,
When on Heav’n’s eter­nal shore
Ends our earth-life’s plaint­ive sto­ry,
And its toils and cares are o’er.
When the sigh­ing and the sad­ness
End in Heav’n’s end­less bliss;
And the soul drinks in the glad­ness
Of a bright­er world than this.

When the heart­aches all are end­ed,
And the tears are wiped away,
And our hap­py songs are blend­ed
With the strains the an­gels play,
We shall see the King of Heav­en
And receive His wel­come word.
Where all joy is kind­ly given,
In the home of our dear Lord.

To those hap­py scenes we’re hast­en­ing,
Tho’ we walk the vale of woe;
Anguish deep our soul is chast­en­ing,
But there is none where we go;
There we’ll meet the loved de­part­ed,
Who have on­ly gone be­fore;
And ’mid fields and groves of glo­ry,
We’ll re­joice for­ev­er­more.