Scripture Verse

He that trusteth in the Lord, mercy shall compass him about. Psalm 32:10


R. Kelso Carter (1849–1928)

Words: Al­bert B. Simp­son, 1891.

Music: R. Kel­so Car­ter (🔊 pdf nwc).

Albert B. Simpson (1843–1919)


The mer­cy of God
Is an ocean di­vine,
A bound­less and fa­thom­less flood.
Launch out in the deep,
Cut away the shore line,
And be lost in the full­ness of God.


Launch out, in­to the deep.
Oh let the shore line go.
Launch out, launch out in the ocean di­vine,
Out where the full tides flow.

But ma­ny, alas!
Only stand on the shore,
And gaze on the ocean so wide.
They ne­ver have ven­tured
Its depths to ex­plore,
Or to launch on the fa­thom­less tide.


And oth­ers just ven­ture
Away from the land,
And ling­er so near to the shore
That the surf and the slime
That beat ov­er the strand
Dash o’er them in floods ev­er­more.


Oh, let us launch out
On this ocean so broad,
Where floods of sal­va­tion o’er­flow.
Oh, let us be lost
In the mer­cy of God,
Till the depths of His full­ness we know.
