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Scripture Verse

The blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel. Hebrews 12:24


William Gadsby (1773–1844)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Will­iam Gads­by, The Na­za­rene’s Songs (Man­ches­ter, Eng­land: 1814), num­ber 21.

Music: Xa­vier Fran­cis H. Champ­neys, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1875 (🔊 ).

Francis H. Champneys (1848–1930)


Mercy speaks by Je­su’s blood,
Hear and sing, ye sons of God,
Justice sa­tis­fied indeed,
Christ hath full atone­ment made.

Jesu’s blood speaks loud and sweet,
Here all Dei­ty can meet,
And with­out a jar­ring voice,
Welcome Zi­on to re­joice.

Should the law against her roar,
Jesu’s blood still speaks with pow­er;
All her debts were cast on Me,
And she must and shall go free.

Peace of con­sci­ence, peace with God,
We ob­tain through Je­su’s blood;
Jesu’s blood speaks so­lid rest,
We be­lieve, and we are blest.

When the blood of sprink­ling cries,
Clouds are ban­ished from the skies;
Every at­trib­ute di­vine,
In their great­est glo­ry shine.

Jesu’s blood speaks life and pow­er,
And in ev­ery try­ing hour,
Trusting this al­migh­ty voice,
Zion must and shall re­joice.

Would the Chris­tian walk in love,
Circumspect and god­ly prove,
Then be this his con­stant aim,
On the blood of Christ to lean.

Here’s his strength to will and do,
And what­ev­er he goes through,
This should be his on­ly plea,
Jesu’s blood was shed for me.

O ye wretch­ed sin­ners base,
Sunk in sin and sad dis­grace;
Hear the blood of sprink­ling cry,
Come, and you shall nev­er die.