God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Words: John O. Haynes, in VicÂtoÂry, edÂitÂed by EmÂmett S. Dean (WaÂco, TexÂas: Trio MuÂsic, 1918), numÂber 2.
MuÂsic: MeÂloÂdy by ForÂest HenÂdrick, haÂrmoÂnized by VirÂgil P. CasÂsaÂday (🔊
) .
If you know where to get a good phoÂto of Haynes, HenÂdrick or CasÂsaÂday (head & shoulÂders, at least 200Ă—300 pixÂels), would you send us an e-mail?
A mesÂsage so true I am bringÂing to you,
’Tis a mesÂsage from HeavÂen abÂove;
It tells of God’s powÂer
To save us this hour,
And of wonÂderÂful merÂcy and love.
Oh, sinÂner, beÂlieve the news and reÂceive
The SavÂior who suffered for you;
And toÂday make a start, givÂing Jesus your heart,
Saying What wilt Thou have me to do?
He wants us to come to our heavÂenÂly home,
When our triÂals here are all o’er;
So trust His dear love
That with anÂgels above,
You may rest in His light evÂerÂmore.
Oh, do not delay,
Heed the mesÂsage toÂday,
For toÂmorÂrow may be too late;
Come, trust the dear love
Of JeÂsus abÂove,
And enÂter the fold’s blessÂèd gate.