Scripture Verse

My soul trusteth in Thee: yea, in the shadow of Thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast. Psalm 57:1


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Is­aac Watts, The Psalms of Da­vid 1719. Praise for pro­tect­ion, grace and truth.

Music: Pen­te­cost (Boyd) Will­iam Boyd, 1864 (🔊 pdf nwc). First pub­lished in Thir­ty-Two Hymn Tunes Com­posed by Mem­bers of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ox­ford, 1868.

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Boyd (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


My God, in whom are all the springs
Of bound­less love, and grace un­known,
Hide me be­neath Thy spread­ing wings
Till the dark cloud is ov­er­blown.

Up to the heav’ns I send my cry,
The Lord will my de­sires per­form;
He sends His an­gel from the sky,
And saves me from the threat­en­ing storm.

Be Thou ex­alt­ed, O my God,
Above the heav’ns, where an­gels dwell;
Thy pow­er on earth be known abroad,
And land to land Thy won­ders tell.

My heart is fixed; my song shall raise
Immortal hon­ors to Thy name;
Awake, my tongue, to sound His praise,
My tongue, the glo­ry of my frame.

High o’er the earth His mer­cy reigns,
And reach­es to the ut­most sky;
His truth to end­less years re­mains,
When low­er worlds dis­solve and die.

Be Thou ex­alt­ed, O my God,
Above the heav’ns, where an­gels dwell;
Thy pow­er on earth be known abroad,
And land to land Thy won­ders tell.