Scripture Verse

Thou art my Father, my God. Psalm 89:26


Isaac Smith (1734–1805)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Anne Steele, 1760.

Music: Abridge Is­aac Smith, Col­lect­ion of Psalm Tunes in Three Parts 1770 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Steele (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


My God, my Fa­ther, bliss­ful name!
O may I call Thee mine,
May I, with sweet as­sur­ance, claim
A por­tion so di­vine?

This on­ly can my fears con­trol,
And bid my sor­rows fly;
What harm can ev­er reach my soul,
Beneath my Fa­ther’s eye?

Whate’er Thy pro­vi­dence de­nies,
I calm­ly would re­sign,
For Thou art just, and good, and wise;
O bend my will to Thine.

Whate’er Thy sac­red will or­dains,
O give me strength to bear;
And let me know my Fa­ther reigns,
And trust His ten­der care.

If pain and sick­ness rend this frame,
And life al­most depart,
Is not Thy mer­cy still the same,
To cheer my droop­ing heart?

If cares and sor­rows me sur­round,
Their pow­er why should I fear?
My in­ward peace they can­not wound,
If Thou, my God, art near.

Thy so­ver­eign ways are all un­known
To my weak, er­ring sight;
Yet let my soul, ador­ing, own
That all Thy ways are right.

My God, my Fa­ther! be Thy name
My so­lace and my stay;
O wilt Thou seal my hum­ble claim,
And drive my fears away?