Scripture Verse

God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 1 Corinthians 14:33


Words: Da­vid Den­ham, 1826.

Music: Hen­ry R. Bi­shop, 1829 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Den­ham (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Henry R. Bishop (1786–1856)


’Mid scenes of con­fusion and crea­ture com­plaint,
How sweet to the soul is com­mun­ion with saints;
To find at the ban­quet of mer­cy there’s room,
And feel in the pre­sence of Je­sus at home!


Home, home, sweet, sweet home;
Prepare me dear Sav­ior, for Hea­ven, my home.

Sweet hands that unite all the child­ren of peace!
And thrice pre­cious Je­sus, whose love can­not cease!
Tho’ oft from Thy pre­sence in sad­ness I roam,
I long to be­hold Thee in glo­ry at home.


I sigh from this bo­dy of sin to be free,
Which hin­ders my joy and com­mun­ion with Thee,
Though now my temp­ta­tions like bil­lows may foam,
All, all will be peace when I’m with Thee at home.


While here in the val­ley of con­flict I stay,
O give me sub­mis­sion, and strength as my day;
In all my af­flict­ions to Thee would I come,
Rejoicing in hope of my glo­ri­ous home.


Whate’er Thou de­ni­est, O give me Thy grace!
The Spir­it’s true wit­ness, and smiles of Thy face;
Indulge me with pa­tience to wait at Thy throne,
And find, ev­en now, a sweet fore­taste of home.


I long, dear­est Lord, in Thy beau­ties to shine,
No more as an ex­ile in sor­row to pine;
But in Thy fair im­age arise from the tomb,
With glo­ri­fied mill­ions to praise Thee, at home.
