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Scripture Verse

I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. Isaiah 63:1


Words & Mu­sic: Gor­don V. Thomp­son, 1911 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Thomp­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


I have a Re­deem­er who saves me from sin;
Now He’s abid­ing for­ev­er with­in,
His life for my ran­som so free­ly He gave—
’Tis Je­sus my Sav­ior, mighty to save.


Mighty to save! He’s migh­ty to save,
Yes! Je­sus my Sav­ior is migh­ty to save!
Sin’s old al­lure­ments no long­er I crave;
Jesus al­lures me, migh­ty to save.

I have a Re­deem­er to pi­lot me o’er
Life’s angry bil­lows to Heav­en’s fair shore;
I know He will keep me, tho’ wild be the wave—
’Tis Je­sus my Sav­ior, migh­ty to save.


I have a Re­deem­er, so watch­ful is He,
Walking be­side me, my ter­rors all flee;
He guards me in dan­ger, and bids me be brave—
’Tis Je­sus my Sav­ior, migh­ty to save.


I have a Re­deem­er, I know He is mine,
Proving His pre­sence by pow­er divine;
I sure­ly can trust Him to con­quer the grave—
This Je­sus my Sav­ior, migh­ty to save.
