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Scripture Verse

Mine eyes are ever toward the Lord. Psalm 25:15


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Is­aac Watts, The Psalms of Da­vid 1719. Dis­tress of soul; or, back­slid­ing and de­ser­tion.

Music: Song 20 (Gib­bons) Or­lan­do Gib­bons (1583–1625) (🔊 ).

Orlando Gibbons


Mine eyes and my de­sire
Are ev­er to the Lord;
I love to plead His pro­mis­es,
And rest up­on His Word.

Turn, turn Thee to my soul,
Bring Thy sal­va­tion near;
When will Thy hand re­lease my feet
Out of the dead­ly snare?

When shall the so­ver­eign grace
Of my for­giv­ing God
Restore me from those dan­ger­ous ways
My wan­der­ing feet have trod?

The tu­mult of my thoughts
Doth but en­large my woe;
My spir­it lang­uish­es, my heart
Is de­so­late and low.

With ev­ery morn­ing light
My sor­row new be­gins;
Look on my ang­uish and my pain,
And par­don all my sins.

Behold the hosts of hell,
How cru­el is their hate!
Against my life they rise, and join
Their fu­ry with de­ceit.

O keep my soul from death,
Nor put my hope to shame,
For I have placed my on­ly trust
In my Re­deem­er’s name.

With hum­ble faith I wait
To see Thy face again:
Of Is­ra­el it shall ne’er be said,
He sought the Lord in vain.