Go…teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Matthew 28:19
Words: E. Kate Herdman, in Hymns We Love (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: A. Geibel Music, 1907), number 142.
Music: H. W. Porter (🔊
If you know Herdman or Porter’s full name, or where to get good photos of them (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Thou who didst bid Thy followers here
Proclaim a Savior’s love abroad,
With holy zeal our souls inspire,
That all our aim and our desire
May be to glorify our God!
Spirit divine! baptize anew
These feeble hearts with heav’nly flame;
Breathe on those bones that they may live,
These dumb lips ope and boldness give
To publish forth a Savior’s name.
The harvest, Master, is so great,
The laborers are sadly few,
But Thou dost bid us onward press,
And well we know Thou’lt own and bless
The little that we strive to do.
Full many, Lord, in distant lands
Are strangers to Thy love and grace;
They have not heard the Gospel call
Of full salvation, free to all
Of every kindred, every race.
And must they perish—precious souls,
In ignorance and sin and strife?
Still they for whom the Savior died
In darkness pine, unsatisfied,
While we enjoy the Bread of Life?
O blessèd privilege, to speed
The Gospel chariot on its way!
O highest privilege to sing
The praises of our Lord and king,
And tell His wonders day by day.
Rouse, Christian soldiers, raise aloft
The standard of the Living Word,
Ye must uphold the true and right,
The wrong ye must resist and fight,
And battle for a risen Lord.
Ye may not tell in heathen lands
The message of redeeming love,
But ye may pray, Thy kingdom come,
And help to win some wanderer home
Into the Shepherd’s fold above.