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Scripture Verse

Come over…and help us. Acts 16:9


Rouget de Lisle (1760–1836)

Words: Will­iam P. Riv­ers (1827–1904).

Music: Mar­seil­laise, Rou­get de Lisle, April 1792 (🔊 ).

If you know when this hymn was writ­ten, would you send us an e-mail?


Converted British Family Sheltering a Christian
Missionary from the Persecution of the Druids
William Holman Hunt (1827–1910)

Ye Chris­tian men of ev­ery na­tion,
Hark, hark what cries sa­lute your ears!
The hea­then in their de­gra­da­tion
They call for help with sighs and tears,
They call for help with sighs and tears;
Shall souls im­mor­tal lang­uish bleed­ing?
Oppressed by Sa­tan’s slav­ish chains,
In su­per­sti­tion’s woes and pains,
While Chris­tian hearts are dead, un­heed­ing?


Arise, O Church of God!
Awake for Je­sus’ sake!
March on, march on, all hearts aflame,
For Christ the world to take.

By thou­sands, hope­less, they are fall­ing,
And ne’er have heard their Sav­ior’s name;
For life and li­ber­ty they’re call­ing,
But per­ish in their guilt and shame,
But per­ish in their guilt and shame;
Too long have Chris­tians heard their wail­ing,
Their death cries out of pa­gan night;
Their pray­ers in vain for Gos­pel light;
Oh, shall their cries be una­vail­ing?


Oh, ye who serve the King of Glo­ry,
In lands where Heav­en’s bless­ings glow,
Can ye with­hold sal­va­tion’s sto­ry,
From my­ri­ads sunk in hea­then woe?
From my­ri­ads sunk in hea­then woe?
Nay, by the blood that makes men bro­thers,
The ban­nered cross must be un­furled;
The king­dom is for all the world,
And men re­deemed must up­lift oth­ers.


Shall Chris­tians hoard their gold­en trea­sure?
And pile their stores with mi­ser’s greed,
Or spend for fa­shion, pride and plea­sures,
While em­pires for the Gos­pel plead?
While em­pires for the Gos­pel plead?
Can men of soul, their God ad­or­ing,
For Heav­en’s crown­ing glo­ries hope?
While mill­ions in their blind­ness grope,
And die, the light of life im­plor­ing?


See, Heav­en lends co­op­er­ation!
For con­quests grand and ma­ni­fold;
And calls the Church to con­se­cra­tion,
Of life and strength and pre­cious gold;
Of life and strength and pre­cious gold;
While with God’s pow­er the world is shak­ing,
O’erturning sys­tems, creeds and caste,
And work­ing chang­es world­wide vast,
’Tis time dead Chris­tian souls were wak­ing.
