Scripture Verse

The morning cometh. Isaiah 21:12


Words: Le­on­ard W. Wea­ver, in The Peace­mak­er, ed­it­ed by Win­field Wee­den & George Bea­ver­son (New York: Wee­den & Van De­Ven­ter, 1894), page 5.

Music: Win­field S. Weed­en (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Wea­ver (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Winfield S. Weeden (1847–1908)


Lift up your heads, ye pilgrims,
And view yon eastern sky;
The night of sin is ending,
The morning draweth nigh;
The day foretold by prophets
Will soon be ushered in,
When Christ, the one who suffered,
The world shall own as king.


He’s coming by and by,
He’s coming by and by;
The night of sin is ending,
The morning draweth nigh;
He’s coming by and by,
He’s coming by and by;
The night of sin is ending,
The morning draweth nigh.

Lift up your heads, ye pilgrims,
And watch the morning break;
For lo, Christ’s glo­ri­ous coming
The thrones of earth will shake;
See those who do not own Him
In mountains seek to hide,
Whilst those who love and trust Him
Still in His grace confide.


Lift up your heads, ye pilgrims,
For ’tis the Bridegroom comes
With trumpet voice to call you
Forth to His royal throne;
See that your lamps are burning,
Your garments pure and white,
That He may find you watching
And walking in the light.


Lift up your heads, ye pilgrims,
And as ye journey on,
Let faith and hope with courage
Be ever firm and strong;
Show by each word and action
That Christ is real to you,
And that His glo­ri­ous coming
Is ever clear in view.


Lift up your heads, ye pilgrims,
Sing in that gladsome day;
Naught but the Sav­ior’s coming
The tide of sin can stay;
Creation groans whilst burdened
For pain and toil to cease;
Come, Prince of Life and Glory,
Bring universal peace.
