Scripture Verse

I have loved you with an everlasting love. Jeremiah 31:3


Words & Mu­sic: Fred­er­ick A. Graves, 1891 (🔊 pdf nwc). Ap­peared in The New Gift, ed­it­ed by Fred­er­ick A. Graves (Zi­on Ci­ty, Il­li­nois: F. A. Graves, 1906), num­ber 17.

Frederick A. Graves


Lord, Thy pi­ty­ing eye can see,
How I long to learn of Thee,
Long to trust Thy strength en­tire;
Fill me with Thy ho­ly fire.


Moved by love, moved by love,
Let me ne­ver from Thee rove;
Precious Sav­ior, O so dear,
May I love Thee more and more.

Cleansed from self and works of flesh,
Grant me, Lord, Thy truth and grace;
Make me ear­nest, brave, yet mild;
Keep me ev­er un­de­filed.


’Tis so sweet this life of trust,
Yielding not be­cause I must,
As in pot­ter’s hands the clay,
Molded, Lord, in Thine own way.


Reaching out for oth­ers, too,
There is much for us to do;
In this world so dark with sin,
God of love, shine in, shine in.
