Scripture Verse

The time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe. Revelation 14:15


Daniel Towner (1850–1919)

Words: George W. Crofts, 1886.

Music: Da­ni­el B. Tow­ner (🔊 pdf nwc).

George W. Crofts (1842–1909)


Move for­ward! val­iant men and strong,
Ye who have prayed and la­bored long,
The time has come for you to rise,
For lo! the sun rolls up the skies.


Move for­ward, move for­ward,
All along the line,
Move for­ward, move for­ward,
The light be­gins to shine.

Move for­ward! each and ev­ery one,
The gold­en har­vest is begun,
Ye reap­ers, come from glen and glade
And wield the sic­kle’s glit­ter­ing blade.


Move for­ward! reap­ing as you move!
Angels are watch­ing from above!
Around are wit­ness­es a host,
Arouse ye now and save the lost.


Move for­ward! day will die full soon,
How quick­ly ev­en­ing fol­lows noon,
Now is the time to work and pray—
Let glo­ry crown the dy­ing day.
