Scripture Verse

We all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory. 2 Corinthians 3:18


Words & Mu­sic: John M. Har­ris, 1905 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Har­ris (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Jesus found me when afar I wan­dered,
Brought me par­don from the throne above,
Gave me peace that pass­eth un­der­stand­ing,
Joy un­speak­able and full of love.

Praise the Lord! My soul is filled with glo­ry!
Praise the Lord! I love to tell the sto­ry
Of His grace that jus­ti­fies me free­ly,
And I’m shout­ing, Glo­ry! till I get home.

Thro’ His Word He taught me full sal­va­tion—
How His blood could cleanse and sanc­ti­fy.
Then by faith I plunged into the fount­ain;
Now I’m look­ing for that home on high.

Praise the Lord! My soul is filled with glo­ry!
Praise the Lord! I love to tell the sto­ry
Of His grace that jus­ti­fies me whol­ly,
And I’m shout­ing, Glo­ry! till I get home.

Trials ma­ny will be­set my path­way,
And temp­ta­tions I shall sure­ly meet;
But my Sav­ior pro­mised grace to help me
Till I lay my tro­phies at His feet.

Praise the Lord! My soul is filled with glo­ry!
Praise the Lord! I love to tell the sto­ry
Of His grace that keeps and gives me vic­t’ry,
And I’m shout­ing, Glo­ry! till I get home.