If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.
Matthew 16:24
Words: A. C. Martin, in His Voice of Love, edited by James D. Vaughan (Lawrenceburg, Tennessee: James D. Vaughan, 1924), number 83, alt.
Music: Skåne Thomas Benton (🔊
If you know Martin’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him or Benton (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
On that cold and bitter plain,
Our dear Savior there was slain;
Made to bear a cross of sin,
For a world of thankless men.
O dear friends, it was for you,
All this suffering He passed thru;
Has affection from you flown?
Must He bear the cross alone?
Oh, they nailed Him to the tree,
Cursed Him in His agony;
And the moment that He died,
They did pierce His blessèd side.
Then the sun no longer shone,
And the hoary hills did moan;
While the day that was so bright,
Slowly turned to darkest night.
Friends then laid Him in the tomb,
Midst the evening’s gathering gloom;
In the night’s lone silence gray,
Angels rolled the stone away.