When He was accused of the chief priests and elders, He answered nothing. Then said Pilate unto Him,
Matthew 27:12–14Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee?
And He answered him to never a word.
Words: Johan O. Wallin, 1819. Translated from Swedish to English by Ernst W. Olson (1870–1958).
Music: Den Mun Är Tyst German, 16th Century (🔊
If you know the original Swedish title, or where to get a better photo of Olson, would you send us an e-mail?
Mute are the pleading lips of Him
Who hath our cause defended;
Love drained the cup filled to the brim,
As holiness demanded.
The gentle Shepherd here behold,
Slain for the sheep lost to His fold:
From labor, pain, and weeping
Now rests He with the sleeping.
But not for aye, O Friend of men,
Thou in the grave descendest;
A little while, and then again
Thy grieving flock Thou tendest.
The corn that falls into the earth
From darkness springs in fullness forth,
In season amply giving
The life-bread to the living.
O Prince of Life, now to the gloom
Of earth consigned in sorrow,
My life so guide, that in my tomb
I wait the blessèd morrow.
When, freed from worldly strife and care,
This mortal frame reposes there,
Grant that my deathless spirit
The bliss of Heav’n inherit.