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Scripture Verse

When He was accused of the chief priests and elders, He answered nothing. Then said Pilate unto Him, Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee? And He answered him to never a word. Matthew 27:12–14


Ernst W. Olson (1870–1958)

Words: Jo­han O. Wall­in, 1819. Trans­lat­ed from Swed­ish to Eng­lish by Ernst W. Ol­son (1870–1958).

Music: Den Mun Är Tyst Ger­man, 16th Cen­tu­ry (🔊 ).

If you know the orig­in­al Swed­ish ti­tle, or where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Ol­son, would you send us an e-mail?

Johan O. Wallin (1779–1839)


Mute are the plead­ing lips of Him
Who hath our cause de­fend­ed;
Love drained the cup filled to the brim,
As ho­li­ness de­mand­ed.
The gen­tle Shep­herd here be­hold,
Slain for the sheep lost to His fold:
From la­bor, pain, and weep­ing
Now rests He with the sleep­ing.

But not for aye, O Friend of men,
Thou in the grave des­cend­est;
A lit­tle while, and then again
Thy griev­ing flock Thou tend­est.
The corn that falls in­to the earth
From dark­ness springs in full­ness forth,
In sea­son amp­ly giv­ing
The life-bread to the liv­ing.

O Prince of Life, now to the gloom
Of earth con­signed in sor­row,
My life so guide, that in my tomb
I wait the bless­èd mor­row.
When, freed from world­ly strife and care,
This mor­tal frame re­pos­es there,
Grant that my death­less spir­it
The bliss of Heav’n in­her­it.