Who healeth all thy diseases.
Psalm 103:3
Words: Fanny Crosby, 1901. Appeared in Young People’s Songs of Praise, edited by Ira Sankey (Chicago, Illinois: Biglow & Main, 1902), number 19.
Music: Clovis Ira D. Sankey (🔊
) (repeats last line of each stanza).
Alternate Tune:
Thou art my great Physician,
My Savior and my All;
I look on Thee for blessing,
And on Thy mercy call;
With tend’rest care Thou watchest
Beside the couch of pain;
And givest health and healing,
When human help is vain.
When in the midnight watches,
With anxious cares oppressed,
I often hear Thee whisper,
Come unto Me and rest.
Thou carest for the weary,
Dost mark the sparrow’s fall;
Then surely I can trust Thee,
Thou art my All in All.
Thou art my Tower of Refuge,
My Strength
upon the way;
My Hope
of endless glory,
When ends life’s fleeting day;
Thou art the only Healer,
For body, mind and soul,
And when all others fail me,
Thy touch can make me whole.
Thou art my Resurrection,
To life that never dies,
Where Thou art now preparing
A mansion in the skies;
Then hasten Thine appearing,
To take Thy people home,
Where sickness, pain and sorrow,
Shall never, never come.