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Scripture Verse

Who healeth all thy diseases. Psalm 103:3


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, 1901. Ap­peared in Young Peo­ple’s Songs of Praise, ed­it­ed by Ira San­key (Chi­cago, Il­linois: Big­low & Main, 1902), num­ber 19.

Music: Clo­vis Ira D. San­key (🔊 ) (re­peats last line of each stan­za).

Alternate Tune:

Ira D. Sankey (1840–1908)


Thou art my great Phy­si­cian,
My Sav­ior and my All;
I look on Thee for bless­ing,
And on Thy mer­cy call;
With ten­d’rest care Thou watch­est
Beside the couch of pain;
And giv­est health and heal­ing,
When hu­man help is vain.

When in the mid­night watch­es,
With anx­ious cares op­pressed,
I often hear Thee whis­per,
Come unto Me and rest.
Thou car­est for the wea­ry,
Dost mark the spar­row’s fall;
Then sure­ly I can trust Thee,
Thou art my All in All.

Thou art my Tow­er of Re­fuge,
My Strength up­on the way;
My Hope of end­less glo­ry,
When ends life’s fleet­ing day;
Thou art the on­ly Heal­er,
For bo­dy, mind and soul,
And when all oth­ers fail me,
Thy touch can make me whole.

Thou art my Re­sur­rect­ion,
To life that nev­er dies,
Where Thou art now pre­par­ing
A man­sion in the skies;
Then hast­en Thine ap­pear­ing,
To take Thy peo­ple home,
Where sick­ness, pain and sor­row,
Shall nev­er, nev­er come.