Scripture Verse

Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief. Mark 9:24


Words: Flo­ra Mc­Lean, in Pearls of Pa­ra­dise, abridged edi­tion, by Will­iam G. Coop­er (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Ro­bert R. Mc­Cabe, 1891).

Music: Gel­sen­kirch­en Will­iam G. Coop­er (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mc­Lean (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Coo­per,

William Cooper (1861–1938)


Dear Lord, in­crease my faith, I pray,
While on this earth I roam;
Oh, ban­ish ev­ery doubt away,
And guide me safe­ly home.
Guide me home, guide me home,
Guide me safe­ly home.
Oh, ban­ish ev­ery doubt away,
And guide me safe­ly home.

Oh, give me faith to trust Thy pow’r,
E’en where I can­not see;
The faith to yield this ve­ry hour,
My life, my all, to Thee.
All to Thee, all to Thee,
Life and all to Thee;
Oh, help me yield, this ve­ry hour,
My life and all to Thee.

To yield the whole, and not a part,
Is my most ear­nest pray­er;
Come, Thou, and cleanse my fro­ward heart,
And reign for­ev­er there.
Cleanse my heart, cleanse my heart,
Reign for­ev­er there;
Come, Thou, and cleanse my fro­ward heart,
And reign for­ev­er there.

Should any­thing e’er seem to stand
Between Thy heart and mine,
Spare not the chast­en­ing of Thy hand,
Till I am whol­ly Thine.
Wholly Thine, whol­ly Thine,
Till I’m whol­ly Thine.
Spare not the chast­en­ing of Thy hand,
Till I am whol­ly Thine.

Then, when on earth my work is past,
And I have reached the goal,
Oh, bear me to my home at last,
A hum­ble, grate­ful soul.
Bear me home, bear me home,
To my heav­en­ly home;
Oh, bear me to my home at last,
A hum­ble, grate­ful soul.

A palm of vic­to­ry I’ll bear,
Of vic­to­ry over sin;
And I shall tell the an­gels there
How Je­sus took me in.
Tell them there, tell them there,
Jesus took me in;
Oh, I shall tell the an­gels there
How Je­sus took me in.