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MY HOME (Smith)

Scripture Verse

Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. 1 Corinthians 2:9


Words: War­ren M. Smith, in The Voice of Me­lo­dy (Day­ton, Ohio: Unit­ed Breth­ren Pub­lish­ing House, 1899), num­ber 74.

Music: H. W. Por­ter (🔊 ).

If you know Smith or Por­ter’s full name, or where to get good pho­tos of them (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


When I cross the shin­ing thresh­old
Of my Fa­ther’s op­en door,
When I hear the white robed chor­us
Singing, Glo­ry ev­er­more
Unto Him who loved and gave Him­self
A ran­som for all sin
Then my rap­tured soul will real­ize
How much I owe to Him.
Oh! the beau­ties of that ci­ty
Tongue or pen can nev­er tell,
But I here may have a fore­taste
Of that land in which all dwell
Who have sought the low­ly Mas­ter
And have fol­lowed where He trod,
And have passed be­yond the riv­er,
Evermore to be with God.

There all sor­row and all tri­als
Are for­ev­er­more un­known;
From my eyes all tears are ban­ished
By the Lamb up­on the throne;
There the streets of that bright ci­ty
Are all paved with pur­est gold,
And my bless­èd Lord and Mas­ter
Rarest beau­ties will un­fold.
There my loved ones are await­ing
Till I cross the swell­ing tide,
And with them I share the beau­ty
Of my Sav­ior cru­ci­fied;
With this hope that’s set be­fore me,
And a heart from sin set free,
Keep me, Je­sus, ev­er faith­ful,
Till at last Thou call­est me.