I press toward the mark.
Philippians 3:14
Words: SaÂbine BarÂing-Gould, in The ChildÂren’s Hymn Book, edÂitÂed by WillÂiam W. How (New York: E. P. DutÂton, 1881), numÂber 241, alt.
Music: WalÂtham AbÂbey CaÂmeÂron W. H. Brock, 1881 (🔊
If you know where to get a good phoÂto of Brock (head & shoulÂders, at least 200Ă—300 pixÂels), would you send us an e-mail?
My Lord, in gloÂry reignÂing
Upon the glasÂsy sea,
By anÂgel hosts surÂroundÂed,
Is thinkÂing still of me.
My heart for joy is dancÂing,
My lamp I trim and clear,
The BrideÂgroom bids me enÂter
If I but perÂsevÂere.
My Lord a land is rulÂing,
The land of pure deÂlight,
Whence hate and might are banÂished,
And all is love and light,
What though my lot be lowÂly,
What though my way be drear;
’Tis mine, ’tis mine, that kinÂgdom,
If I but perÂsevÂere.
My Lord a home is buildÂing,
A manÂsion passÂing fair,
Of pearl and gold all burÂnished,
Of jewÂels, costÂly, rare;
A home where noÂthing lackÂeth,
Away with doubt and fear!
’Tis mine, ’Tis mine, that manÂsion,
If I but perÂsevÂere.
My Lord a song is teachÂing
The anÂgel choirs on high;
They strike their harps and cymÂbals,
And sound the psalÂteÂry.
A song to greet the wanÂd’rÂer,
Who HeavÂen’s gate draws near;
’Tis mine, ’tis mine, the welÂcome,
If I but perÂsevÂere.