Scripture Verse

Christ bought us with His blood. Galatians 3:13


Words: S. A. Alt, in Ce­les­ti­al Songs, ed­it­ed by B. B. Funk (Ath­ens, Mi­chi­gan: B. B. Funk, 1890), num­ber 37.

Music: Ger­ing B. B. Funk (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Alt or Funk’s full name, or where to get their pho­tos,


My on­ly com­fort, on­ly joy,
To know I’m bought with blood di­vine;
The voice of Je­sus sweet­ly sounds,
Child, thou art Mine, for­ev­er Mine.


I’m not my own, I’m not my own;
For Je­sus’ blood hath pur­chased me;
His life for me, my life for Him,
My on­ly com­fort this shall be.

Delivered from the fear of death,
Delivered from the grave and hell,
Delivered from the tempt­er’s pow­er,
I’m Christ’s for­ev­er! Sin, fare­well.


Him whose I am I now shall serve,
And take de­light to know His will;
O Mas­ter! keep me, and pre­serve,
That I may all Thy words ful­fill.


For Thee I’ll live, in Thee I’ll die,
Assured by Thy Spir­it di­vine;
That Thou art nigh, for­ev­er nigh,
My on­ly com­fort! I am Thine.
