Scripture Verse

I wait for the Lord. Psalm 130:5


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Songs of the Cen­tu­ry, ed­it­ed by George D. El­der­kin, John Swe­ney & Will­iam J. Kirk­patrick (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: George D. El­der­kin, 1900).

Music: John R. Swe­ney (🔊 pdf nwc).

John R. Sweney (1837–1899)


Deep and deep­er fell the sha­dows,
Nearer seemed the gold­en strand,
And my trust­ing heart was wait­ing,
Passive in my Sav­ior’s hands;
O how bright­ly o’er my spir­it
Came a ra­di­ance from afar,
Like the blush of ear­ly morn­ing,
Like the ris­ing of a star.


I was wait­ing, calm­ly wait­ing,
Not a fear was in my breast;
I had trust­ed my Re­deem­er,
And in Him was now my rest.

Nearer seemed the shin­ing por­tals,
But the Mas­ter said to me,
There are sheaves that must be gar­nered
Ere the reap­ing dawns for thee;
Yet I know that thou wert wea­ry,
And I bade thy heart re­pose
By a heal­ing stream that mur­murs
Where the Rose of Sharon grows.


In the si­lent hours of mid­night,
When my wak­ing thoughts take wings,
O the tran­quil peace He gives me,
And the hal­lowed songs He brings!
He has crowned me with His bless­ing,
And I now by faith can say,
I am go­ing forth with vi­gor,
Still re­joic­ing on my way.
