Scripture Verse

Now we see but a poor reflection…then we shall see face to face. 1 Corinthians 13:12


Words: W. C. Agar, 1898.

Music: Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Agar’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

William J. Kirkpatrick (1838–1921)


I am glad I found the Sav­ior,
For He makes my heart re­joice,
And I feel with­in my soul His sav­ing grace;
But I want to talk with Je­sus,
Hear His lov­ing, gen­tle voice;
I want to see my Sav­ior face to face.


O I want to see my Sav­ior face to face,
Who hath loved me and re­deemed me by His grace;
In His king­dom, crowned with glo­ry
On His ev­er­last­ing throne,
I want to see my Sav­ior face to face.

Yes, I know He ev­er loves me,
Daily guides my err­ing feet,
And I’m rest­ing in His ten­der, fond em­brace;
But I want to know Him bet­ter,
And my dear Re­deem­er meet,
I want to see my Sav­ior face to face.


When life’s sun is slow­ly set­ting,
Twilight sha­dows veil the sky,
And I’m near the end­ing of life’s wea­ry race;
In my heart will be this long­ing,
None but Christ can sa­tis­fy,
I want to see my Sav­ior face to face.


When I tread the crys­tal pave­ment
Of the new Je­ru­sa­lem,
Where my Sav­ior has pre­pared for me a place,
Where the an­gel choirs are sing­ing
Praise and glo­ry to the Lamb,
O then I’ll see my Sav­ior face to face.
