My spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior.
Luke 1:47
Words: Henry M. Wharton, Windows of Heaven (Baltimore, Maryland: National Evangelization Society, 1898), number 62, alt.
Music: Karnataka P. W. Bush (🔊
If you know Bush’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Jesus, Thou art ever near me
Blessèd Savior of my soul,
And I hope to linger near Thee
While the endless ages roll;
Plunged in dark despair and sadness,
Paths of sin and death I trod;
Thou didst turn my grief to gladness,
Taught me how to walk with God.
I have often grieved Thy Spirit,
Put Thee to an open shame,
Naught but wrath could hope to merit,
Cast reproach upon Thy name;
Down the lonely road I wandered,
Of my doom was well aware;
Every hope and project squandered,
Hastening madly to despair.
Oh, how precious was the hour
When Thy hand was laid on me,
And by Thine almighty power,
Broke my chains and set me free;
Then my life was filled with glory,
And my heart rejoiced in Thee;
Now I love to tell the story
How my blessèd Lord saved me.
Now no longer I am roaming
In the wilderness of sin;
As the days are going, coming,
All is joy and peace within;
Thou to me my strength hast given,
And Thy grace so full and free,
I am on my way to Heaven,
Walking day by day with Thee.