The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
Psalm 23:1
Words: J. C. Long, in Fount of Blessing, edited by Robert Staples (Chicago, Illinois & Cincinnati, Ohio: Central Book Concern, 1880), page 135.
Music: Shepherd Robert G. Staples (🔊
If you know Long’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
My shepherd is the Lord,
Who rules the earth and skies;
He leads me thro’ His pastures green,
And all my wants supplies.
Beside the shaded brook
I lay me down and rest,
And in Jehovah’s watchful care
I am supremely blest.
No gloomy shade of death
Or valley dark I fear;
The Shepherd’s rod and staff I see,
And feel protection near.
To heed His loving voice
I never would refuse:
And where my living steps shall stray
I leave to Him to choose.
My heart shall be as calm
As any summer’s day;
I follow where He kindly leads,
And love His chosen way.