Scripture Verse

In the Lord put I my trust: how say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain?. Psalm 11:1


Henry F. Lyte (1793–1847)

Words: Hen­ry F. Lyte, The Spir­it of the Psalms 1834.

Music: Hetch Het­chy Will­iam T. Ro­gers, in The Pearl, by J. M. Kief­fer (Cleve­land, Ohio: S. Brain­ard & Sons, 1871), num­ber 51 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ro­gers (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


My trust is in the Lord;
What foe can injure me?
Why bid me like a bird
Before the fowler flee?
The Lord is on His heavenly throne,
Omnipotent to save His own.

The wicked may assail,
The tempter sorely try,
All earth’s foundations fail,
All nature’s springs be dry;
Yet God is in His holy shrine,
And I am strong while He is mine.

His flock to Him is dear,
He watches them from high;
He sends them trials here
To fit them for the sky:
But safely will He tend and keep
The humblest, feeblest of His sheep.

His foes a season here
May triumph and prevail;
But ah, the hour is near
When all their hopes must fail:
While like the sun His saints shall rise,
And shine with Him above the skies.