Scripture Verse

Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross. Colossians 2:14


Words: Car­rie E. Breck, 1899.

Music: Kam­pa­la Grant C. Tul­lar (🔊 pdf nwc).

Carrie E. Breck (1855–1934)


There was One who was will­ing to die in my stead,
That a soul so un­wor­thy might live;
And the path to the cross He was will­ing to tread,
All the sins of my life to for­give.


They are nailed to the cross,
They are nailed to the cross,
O how much He was will­ing to bear!
With what ang­uish and loss Je­sus went to the cross!
But He car­ried my sins with Him there.

He is ten­der and lov­ing and pa­tient with me,
While He cleans­es my heart of the dross;
But there’s no con­dem­na­tion—I know I am free,
For my sins are all nailed to the cross.


I will cling to my Sav­ior and ne­ver de­part—
I will joy­ful­ly jour­ney each day,
With a song on my lips and a song in my heart,
That my sins have been tak­en away.


Christ on the Cross
Diego R. de Silva y Velázquez