If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.
Matthew 16:24
Words: Fanny Crosby, in The Lesser Hymnal (New York & Cincinnati, Ohio: Hitchcock & Walden and Nelson & Phillips, 1875), number 341.
Music: Phoebe P. Knapp (🔊
Nearer the cross!
my heart can say
I am coming nearer,
Nearer the cross from day to day,
I am coming nearer;
Nearer the cross where Jesus died,
Nearer the fountain’s crimson tide,
Nearer my Savior’s wounded side,
I am coming nearer, I am coming nearer.
Nearer the Christian’s mercy seat,
I am coming nearer;
Feasting my soul on manna sweet
I am coming nearer;
Stronger in faith, more clear I see
Jesus who gave Himself for me;
Nearer to Him I still would be,
Still I’m coming nearer
Still I’m coming nearer.
Nearer in prayer my hope aspires,
I am coming nearer;
Deeper the love my soul desires,
I am coming nearer;
Nearer the end of toil and care,
Nearer the joy I long to share,
Nearer the crown I soon shall wear;
I am coming nearer;
I am coming nearer.