I desire to depart and be with Christ.
Philippians 1:23
Words: JesÂse P. TompÂkins, in Make Christ King ComÂbined, edÂitÂed by EdÂwin O. ExÂcell et al. (ChiÂcaÂgo, IlÂliÂnois: Glad TidÂings ComÂpaÂny, 1916), numÂber 14.
Music: BentÂley D. AckÂley (🔊
If you know where to get a good phoÂto of TompÂkins (head & shoulÂders, at least 200Ă—300 pixÂels), would you send us an e-mail?
The nearÂer I reach the end of life,
The sweetÂer is home to me;
I long for the fragÂrant flow’rs that grow
On the banks of the crysÂtal sea.
Home, home, heavÂenÂly home,
Fair are my dreams of thee;
The nearÂer I reach the end of time,
The sweetÂer thou art to me.
The nearÂer the fadÂing of the leaf,
The brightÂer the colÂors grow;
I sigh, when the evenÂing shaÂdows fall,
For the light of the mornÂing glow.
The nearÂer I reach the banks of bloom,
The fairÂer the breezÂes blow;
The nearer I reach the Fount of Love,
Then the sweetÂer the waÂters flow.
The nearÂer I reach the mornÂing land,
The fairÂer the goldÂen light;
My eyes in the gaÂtherÂing mists grow dim,
Then the clearÂer imÂmorÂtal sight.