Hide me under the shadow of Thy wings.
Psalm 17:8
Words: Charlotte A. Raney, in Showalter’s Gospel Songs No. 2 (Dalton, Georgia: A. J. Showalter, 1901), number 80, alt.
Music: Hangzhou Anthony J. Showalter, 1901 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Raney (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
When the shadows darkly gather
‘Round my pathway here below,
And the floods of sore affliction
Threaten me to overflow;
Then, O Father, give me shelter
‘Neath the shadow of Thy wing,
Then, O Father, give me shelter
‘Neath the shadow of Thy wing.
Let me learn the blessèd lesson,
That behind the blackest sky
The bright sun of love is shining,
And the clouds must soon roll by,
May I know the sure, safe shelter,
‘Neath the shadow of Thy wing,
May I know the sure, safe shelter,
‘Neath the shadow of Thy wing.
Resting sweetly in Thy keeping,
Folded safely in Thy love,
Where no evil can come near me,
And no trials can me move;
When I creep into the shelter
‘Neath the shadow of Thy wing,
When I creep into that shelter
‘Neath the shadow of Thy wing.