Scripture Verse

Unto you therefore which believe, He is precious. 1 Peter 2:7


John W. Bischoff (1850–1909)

Words: Lu­cy H. Wash­ing­ton, in Crys­tal Songs, by John W. Bis­choff & Otis F. Pres­brey (To­le­do, Ohio: Will­ard W. Whit­ney, 1877), num­ber 2.

Music: John W. Bis­choff (🔊 pdf nwc).

Lucy H. Washington (1835–1913)


Never for­get that the Sav­ior is near,
Asking if thou wilt re­ceive Him.
He will pro­tect from all dan­ger and fear
Those who love, trust and be­lieve Him.
Never for­get that the Mas­ter is near,
All of thy life He is view­ing;
How doth the re­cord be­fore Him ap­pear,
Art thou His pre­cepts pur­su­ing?


Never for­get, ne­ver for­get,
Jesus is near, O re­ceive Him.
He will come in, cleanse from all sin;
Cheerfully trust and be­lieve Him.

Never for­get the good Shep­herd is near,
Faithfully lead­ing and guid­ing,
Turn not away, lest His voice thou shalt hear,
Tenderly plead­ing and chid­ing.
Never for­get the Re­deem­er is near,
Nor the dear ran­som once giv­en.
If we ob­ey, love, and hon­or Him here,
We shall dwell with Him in Hea­ven.
