I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Matthew 28:20
Words: V. A. White, 1896. Compare Never Alone (Pickett).
Music: J. C. H. & V. A. White (🔊
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Lonely? no, not lonely
While Jesus standeth by;
His presence always cheers me;
I know that He is nigh;
Friendless? no, not friendless,
For Jesus is my friend;
I change, but He remaineth
The same unto the end.
No, never alone, no, never alone;
He has promised never to leave me,
Never to leave me alone;
No, never alone, no, never alone;
He has promised never to leave me,
Never to leave me alone.
Weary? no, not weary
While leaning on His breast;
My soul hath full enjoyment,
’Tis His eternal rest.
Helpless yes, so helpless;
But I am leaning hard
On the mighty arm of Jesus,
And He is keeping guard.
Waiting? O yes, waiting;
He bade me watch and wait;
I only wonder often,
What makes my Lord so late.
Joyful? yes, so joyful;
With joy too deep for words;
A precious, sure foundation;
The joy that is my Lord’s.