Scripture Verse

Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20


James Montgomery (1771–1854)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: James Mont­go­me­ry, 1828. Writ­ten for the op­en­ing of a Me­tho­dist New Con­nex­ion Cha­pel, South Street, Moor, Shef­field, Eng­land, June 8, 1828, and print­ed as a fly­leaf for the oc­ca­sion.

Music: Rock­ing­ham (Mill­er) Karl P. E. Bach (1714–1788). Ar­ranged by Ed­ward Mill­er, 1790 (🔊 pdf nwc).


The Prophet David
Camillo Boccaccino (1504–1546)

Not here, as to the pro­phet’s eye,
The Lord up­on His throne ap­pears;
Nor se­ra­phim re­spons­ive cry,
Holy! thrice ho­ly! in our ears:

Yet God is pre­sent in this place,
Veiled in se­ren­er ma­jes­ty;
So full of glo­ry, truth and grace,
That faith alone such light can see.

Nor, as He in the tem­ple taught,
Is Christ with­in these walls re­vealed,
When blind, and deaf, and dumb were brought,
Lepers and lame, and all were healed:

Yet here, when two or three shall meet
Or throng­ing mul­ti­tudes are found,
All may sit down at Je­sus’ feet,
And hear from Him the joy­ful sound.

Send forth the se­ra­phim, O Lord,
To touch Thy ser­vants’ lips with fire;
Savior, give them Thy faith­ful Word;
Come, Ho­ly Ghost, their hearts in­spire.