Scripture Verse

Bless ye the Lord, all ye servants of the Lord, which by night stand in the house of the Lord. Psalm 134:1


Friedrich F. Flemming (1778–1813)

Words: Ar­thur T. Rus­sell, 1851.

Music: Flem­ming Fried­rich F. Flem­ming, 1811 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Rus­sell (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Night’s sha­dows fall­ing men to rest are call­ing;
Rest we, pos­sess­ing heav’n­ly peace and bless­ing:
This we im­plore Thee, fall­ing down be­fore Thee,
Great King of Glo­ry!

O Sav­ior, hear us! Son of God, be near us!
Thine an­gels send us; let Thy love at­tend us:
He no­thing fear­eth, whom Thy pre­sence cheer­eth,
Light his path clear­eth.

Be near, re­liev­ing all who now are griev­ing;
Thy vi­si­ta­tion be our con­so­la­tion:
O hear the sigh­ing of the faint and dy­ing;
Lord, hear our cry­ing!

Thou ev­er liv­est; end­less life Thou giv­est;
Thou watch art keep­ing o’er Thy faith­ful sleep­ing;
In Thy clear shin­ing they are now re­clin­ing,
All care re­sign­ing.

O Lord of Glo­ry, praise we and ad­ore Thee—
Thee for us giv­en, our true rest from Hea­ven!
Rest, peace, and bless­ing, we are now pos­sess­ing,
Thy name con­fess­ing.