There were…shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
Luke 2:8
Words: Anonymous, in The Harp, edited by John Pearson, Jr. (Boston, Massachusetts: American Millennial Association, 1860), number 1004.
Music: By Covert, in Songs for Service, edited by Charles P. Whitford (Nashville, Tennessee: Southern Publishing Association, 1905), pages 38–39 (🔊
If you know the author, Covert’s full name, or where to get good pictures of them (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Night rested on Judea’s plains
When angels came to earth
To bring the pious shepherds word
Of their Redeemer’s birth;
The Christ is born!
the angel said,
Heav’n bears to earth good will;
Go quickly, in the manger find
The King of Zion’s hill;
Go quickly, in the manger find
The King of Zion’s hill.
His words were true: the Child was found;
And when to manhood grown,
By Jordan’s stream to wondering crowds
Jehovah made Him known;
This is My Son,
the Father cried,
He comes to do My will;
And He will be, by My decree,
The King on Zion’s hill;
And He will be, by My decree,
The King on Zion’s hill.
Anointed thus the Heir went forth
Our ruined world to save,
And in this great and glorious work
All Satan’s hosts to brave;
And when the cross before Him rose—
With heart undaunted still—
I shall yet be on earth,
He said,
The King of Zion’s hill.
I shall yet be on earth,
He said,
The King of Zion’s hill.
Nailed to the cross, His head He bowed,
A prayer, and He was dead;
The crisis of the world has come—
O God! had mercy fled?
His empty tomb the truth reveals—
He did His word fulfill;
He rose triumphant over death,
The King of Zion’s hill;
He rose triumphant over death,
The King of Zion’s hill.
Go preach My Word,
was His command,
To His disciples giv’n;
Then slowly from the earth He rose
To God’s right hand in Heav’n;
His Church remains—His Word remains—
Its glory growing still—
And trusting millions wait to see
The King of Zion’s hill;
And trusting millions wait to see
The King of Zion’s hill.
May we be found in that great day,
Among the ransomed throng
That with immortal tongues shall sing
The new redemption song;
For every foe must sink and fall
Before His sovereign will,
And Christ alone on earth renewed,
Be king on Zion’s hill;
And Christ alone on earth renewed,
Be king on Zion’s hill.