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Scripture Verse

They that trust in their wealth, and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches, none of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him. Psalm 49:6–7


Samuel Stennett

Words: Sa­mu­el Sten­nett (1727–1795).

Music: Win­ches­ter New Mu­si­kal­isch­es Hand­buch (Ham­burg, Ger­ma­ny: 1690). Har­mo­ny by Will­iam H. Monk, 1847, alt. (🔊 ).

William Monk (1823–1889)


No more, dear Sav­ior, will I boast
Of beau­ty, wealth, or loud ap­plause;
The world has all its glo­ries lost,
Amid the tri­umphs of Thy cross.

In ev­ery fea­ture of Thy face
Beauty her fair­est charms dis­plays;
Truth, wis­dom, ma­jes­ty, and grace,
Shine thence in sweet­ly min­gled rays.

Thy wealth the pow’r of thought trans­cends,
’Tis vast, im­mense, and all di­vine;
Thy em­pire, Lord, o’er worlds ex­tends—
The sun, the moon, the stars are Thine.

Yet, oh how mar­vel­ous the sight!
I see Thee on a cross ex­pire;
Thy God­head veiled in sa­ble night;
And an­gels from the scene re­tire.

But, why from these sad scenes re­treat?
Why with your wings your fac­es hide?
He ne’er ap­peared so good, so great,
As when he bowed His head and died.

The in­dig­na­tion of a God
On Him av­eng­ing jus­tice hurled:
Beneath the weight He firm­ly stood,
And nob­ly saved a fall­ing world.

These tri­umphs of stu­pen­dous grace
Surprise, re­joice, and melt my heart;
Lord, at Thy cross I stand and gaze,
Nor would I ev­er thence de­part!