Scripture Verse

The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob defend thee. Psalm 20:1


John A. Lloyd (1815–1874)

Words: Is­aac Watts, The Psalms of Da­vid 1719. Prayer and hope of vic­to­ry. For a day of pray­er in time of war.

Music: Bryn­teg John A. Lloyd, Sr. (1815–1874) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Isaac Watts (1674–1748)


Now may the God of pow­er and grace
Attend His people’s hum­ble cry!
Jehovah hears when Is­ra­el prays,
And brings de­liv­er­ance from on high.

The name of Ja­cob’s God de­fends
Better than shields or bra­zen walls;
He from His sanc­tu­ary sends
Succor and strength, when Zi­on calls.

Well He re­mem­bers our sighs,
His love ex­ceeds our best de­serts;
His love ac­cepts the sac­ri­fice
Of hum­ble groans and brok­en hearts.

In His sal­va­tion is our hope,
And in the name of Is­ra­el’s God,
Our troops shall lift their ban­ners up
Our na­vies spread their flags abroad.

Some trust in hors­es trained for war,
And some of cha­ri­ots make their boasts;
Our sur­est ex­pec­ta­tions are
From Thee, the Lord of heav’n­ly hosts.

O may the me­mo­ry of Thy name
Inspire our ar­mies for the fight!
Our foes shall fall and die with shame,
Or quit the field with shame­ful flight.

Now save us, Lord, from slav­ish fear;
Now let our hopes be firm and strong
Till the sal­va­tion shall ap­pear,
And joy and tri­umph raise the song.